So You Want Your Pictures To Look Natural...

I hear this all the time. Posed pictures are great and certainly have a place, but I must say, there is something special about the "candid" photos. A lot of people want them, yet most people feel awkward in front of the camera and wait for direction from the photographer. It's not really candid if the photographer is telling you what to do though, is it? So, let's take a look at some tips to help you loosen up in front of the camera and basically forget I am even there!

Any expectations you had...forget them!

You may have the happiest baby or camera ready child every single day...except for today. Of course, right? Babies and toddlers really love to prove you wrong. When you stop worrying or stressing about that perfect family picture, it will most of the time just happen naturally. Instead of focusing on me, talk to your kids and make them laugh as you would at home. Sometimes the un-posed, "imperfect" photos end up being the perfect ones!

Who are these pictures for?

Unless you are planning on entering your photo into a contest, there are no awards for the perfect family picture. Sure, everyone wants a good picture, but what's the end goal? Captured memories, right?

So be silly, make each other laugh, and have fun! We love smiles here, so unless you're going for a serious!

Worry about yourself!

Okay, that may have sounded harsh, but it's not what I meant. You're most likely picking out everyone's outfits, scheduling a session date and time that works for everyone, and making sure they all look perfect. But then you're likely rushing to get yourself ready last. Remember to focus on yourself too. Especially once you arrive to your session. You worry about feeling your best, and I'll worry about everything and everyone else. I got you!