Here's my best advice and tips to help get you and your children through a photo session with smiles!

Consider Candid

Most children do not like to perform. They also have a hard time sitting still, and that's totally normal. It's the same for photo sessions. Children see a stranger pointing this big camera in their face. We're making silly faces and sounds and the children do not want to smile. Or they decide this is the perfect time to try out a new silly face or just stare at us. However, usually once you take the pressure off of them and wanting that perfectly posed smile, the candid un-posed images turn out to be the perfect picture. Instead of a posed and directed image, you get to capture their true innocence, AND a majority of the time, you'll end up with that perfect smile.

Be Patient

Photo sessions can be stressful for children. Children innately want to play and move around. I know my kids never stop going, not until theirs heads finally hit the pillow at night. So for some children, mini sessions are perfect. They're short and to the point and the children don't have to focus for long. Mini sessions can, however, make children feel rushed and make them feel uncomfortable. In this case, a full sessions may better suit their needs. The best advice I have is to not put too much pressure on your children to sit still and smile. Just be patient and know that we will get your perfect image!

Keep it Simple

I LOVE baby clothes, so I 100% understand the desire to fit in lots of outfit changes, especially for newborn sessions and first birthdays. My best advice though...keep it simple. Newborn sessions can last up to 3 hours, so 2-3 outfit changes is probably the max that baby will stand. For toddlers and first birthdays, I'd max out at 2. Photo sessions can already be a lot for children, so keeping the distractions at a minimum will help to get them through the session easier.

Time of Day

Outdoor sessions, in my opinion, are best within 1-2 hours max of sunrise and the hour leading up to sunset, aka "the golden hour." The sunlight is perfect and casts that gorgeous golden glow (hence the "golden hour).

Indoor sessions are a bit different, you can really do them at anytime of day, however if you have a newborn session or a family session with young children, you'll want to take naps into consideration. Naps and snacks before a session is best so they don't go into the session hangry or tired.